美国当选总统唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)正式就职还有将近一个月的时间。他近日提名技术政策上的对华强硬派出任主管科技的要职。他还曾誓言推翻现任总统乔·拜登(Joe ...
美国总统当选人川普(Donald Trump)的17岁孙女凯伊(Kai Trump)今年替爷爷助选一炮而红,身为高尔夫球健将的她,经常在社群网站分享生活点滴。近日她在YouTube频道一支名为“更认识我:问与答”(Get to know me bet ...
▲凯伊拍影片回复网友问题。美国总统当选人川普(Donald Trump)的17岁孙女凯伊(Kai Trump)今年替爷爷助选一炮而红,身为高尔夫球健将的她,经常在社群网站分享生活点滴。近日她在YouTube频道一支名为“更认识我:问 ...
El presidente de Panamá, José Raúl Mulino, rechazó este domingo las amenazas del presidente electo de Estados Unidos, Donald ...
U.S. President-elect Donald Trump on December 22 suggested that he may allow TikTok to continue operations in the United States.
President-elect Donald Trump indicated on Sunday that he favored allowing TikTok to keep operating in the United States for at least a little while, saying he had received billions of views on the ...
U.S.'s plan to withdraw "on day one" would be "catastrophic" for global health, the FT quoted Lawrence Gostin, professor of global health at Georgetown Law, as saying. Gostin said there would be "very ...
Il prossimo inquilino della Casa Bianca, e soprattutto il suo braccio destro Elon Musk, hanno già rapporti tesi con il ...
Washington, Dec 22 (UNI) US President-elect Donald Trump said that he had nominated the candidacy of billionaire restaurateur Tilman Fertitta to the post of US Ambassador to Italy.
特朗普将强有力地驱逐非法移民 1. 特朗普8日在接受专访时再次重申非法移民在美国生育的孩子将不再自动获得美国国籍。 2. 他表示, “犯罪率达到创纪录的水平。来自监狱和精神病院的移民涌入我们的国家,这些恶棍挖空心思留在美国犯罪,我不会让他得逞!” 3 ...
奥米德·马利克(Omeed Malik)借助“反觉醒”声浪赚钱的努力开局不利。他的新合作伙伴小唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump Jr.)可能会改变他的财运。 作为美国银行(Bank of America)前高管的马利克曾为对冲基金提供咨询服务,后被迫离开了美国银行。他成立了一家公司 ...